In the past, it was easy to hop on your go-to travel booking site and book your next travel experience, but what happens when you book your tickets, charge your card and are set to depart only to find that you were unprepared for travel requirements and can no longer travel to your destination or even back home?
Most people have been facing quarantines and cabin fever and are ready to start considering travel options again, but, what 2020 has taught us is that nothing is certain and we should always take the best precautions to protect ourselves and have a team in our corner fighting for us.
When the Covid-19 pandemic struck, hundreds of thousands of Americans- families, honeymooners, those on work trips and countless others were left stranded in airports and foreign countries without any way to get home.
Borders closed & Embassies were evacuated yet those Americans traveling in certain countries were left without help. The ones who did make it out were those with inside sources who were able to call and say, "The airports are closing tomorrow & we need to get out now".

Those inside sources are often Travel Advisors who knew what their clients were about to face. So, they contacted them directly, and they had the resources to change their flights quickly. Furthermore, some were even able to recoup some of the financial loss along the way.
Travel Advisors will be among the very first to be notified when pricing changes, flights get cancelled, borders close, and Embassies are unreachable. The ever-changing restrictions and guidelines for Covid-19 while traveling are difficult at best to keep up with- yet they will know how to best advise you to plan ahead.
In addition to Covid-19 travel restrictions, Advisors have always been the best resources for selecting, booking & informing you of the perfect vacation locations for your needs and help to save money where it really counts! The need for a Travel Advisor has always existed but now more than ever. We encourage you to contact Unique Destinations Travel Company, rather than try to DIY your travel plans.
"Helping you plan your travel plans is not my job but my pleasure..."

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Make an appointment on my calendar: www.calendly.com/adrienne-tate